Free Project Management Tools to Work on Academic Writing

Project Management Tools

The management of academic tasks without project management tools is tedious. In doing so, people often get bored, no matter how organised they are. Nowadays, free project management tools are helping students to work on academic writing. If you are not aware of such tools, you should read this article till the end. In this article, experts of assignment writing services discuss a few important project management tools in detail.

Microsoft Project:

Microsoft project is the most common project management tool that we can use for managing our academic tasks. You can follow the steps given below for using the Microsoft Project management tool;

  1. First, you should add a task plan on the Gantt chart. In the Gantt chart, there are sections for your task, as well as the deadlines.
  2. After the entry of all tasks, a graphical representation will appear at the left of spreadsheet. Through these graphs, you can quickly see the upcoming tasks.
  3. After completing the first two steps, please don’t forget to save the file. Try to give your file a unique name so that you can distinguish it from the rest. For later use, you can find it within the extension .mpp.
  4. By default, Microsoft Project management tool starts all projects on the same date. So here you need to select the starting date for each task. MS project also allows its users to create task dependencies. In actuality, it means that you can tell MS Project whether to start an academic task or not.

The milestone at end of the task is the best part of Microsoft Project. This is because it helps its users in checking their progress. Further, it also aims towards streamlining the working plans. Apart from this, the toolbar options in Microsoft Project management tools offer several types of views. You can choose any one of these according to your choice. A few options available at the toolbar are as follows;

  1. Gantt Chart View
  2. Calendar view
  3. Network diagram
  4. Task usage view
  5. Tracking, and many more….

Hence, we can conclude that Microsoft Project is the most appropriate free Project management tool. But for some people it’s not easy to operate. These people can use the other options available such as Trello, and ProofHub.


Trello offers a lists of board options for managing your academic project visually. Here you can use as many lists as you wish. Still, at each item, you will receive the card. These cards are powerful tools capable of both sending, and receiving data. As the manager of an academic task, you can send cards for assigning tasks to your team members.

Further, you can use these cards to tag, or message others. Still, Trello allows you to add due dates at the back of these virtual cards. Besides this, you can also copy these cards. It means that the previous card can also serve as the template for a new task.

Though, at first, Trello was known as a business management tool. But many people don’t know that it can also be used as a Project Management tool as well. This means utilising it for organising academic writing tasks. You can get free academic writing management Trello templates all around the internet as well. Apart from all these, the best part about Trello is maintenance of the entire publication’s pipeline. This aspect helps in the replication of one’s cards at any given time.


There’s no doubt that MS project and Trello are more famous as academic Project management tools. But in 2021, ProofHub stood out with many new exciting features. Among these features, sticky note is the most popular one. While you’re working on academic writing, these sticky notes help you jot down thoughts. It also allows its users to track important information by using ‘Bookmark Options’. This is because bookmarking allows you to save all your important information through this tool.

Apart from all these, the custom field for research topic is another latest feature of ProofHub. The custom field allows a team to find unique, as well as a new thing from their work. Still, by using the two administrative-level features of ProofHub, you can add a password to your account. It also helps ProofHub users in customising their working days.

Lastly, ProofHub, in its new version, added customer support in a few more languages. It helps them in reducing the negative impact of linguistic borders on the tool’s popularity.

These days, many free Project Management Tools are serving us by managing our academic writing work. If you feel uncomfortable using one tool, you can select another one. Feel free to manage your entire academic task by using the Project management Tools. This is because they’ll act as your working assistance, and ensure better management of the project for you.